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St. Johann Baptist

Kath. KircheSt. Johann BaptistKrefeld


Welcome to the website of St. Johann Baptist, the largest church in the city of Krefeld, the Diocese of Aachen and the tallest tower in the entire Diocese of Aachen at 97 meters. It is often referred to as the "Cologne Cathedral" of Krefeld.

The Church

The neo-Gothic church was built in 1894 by the renowned architect Josef Kleesattel, who built over 40 churches. Throughout his life, he referred to the church of St. Johann as "My Masterpiece". The interior is equipped with numerous original medieval sculptures and altars. The bones of Saint Gaudentius are also located under the Marian altar.

The Community

The church is not only home to the "normal" community of St. Johann, but also to the Syro-Malankaric community of St. Mary's for 50 years.

Since 2005, there has been daily Eucharistic adoration, which was significantly expanded in June 2023. Since then, there has been "eternal adoration" in St. Johann, i.e. the Blessed Sacrament is exposed 24 hours a day. It is guarded and adored around the clock by a prayer and a substitute.

The needy now also form an important part of the congregation with special services, in which around 200 needy people participate every Sunday. There they can find a little peace and acceptance and come into contact with God.

There is a daily breakfast and bread distribution, a warm lunch on Sundays, a clothing distribution, pastoral conversations, support with official visits and application assistance, etc.

Tent in front of St. Johann Baptist


On 01.07.2023, the church was closed by the acting church council of the parish of Maria Frieden. Since then, we as a community have been homeless.

We are forced to celebrate our masses in a tent in front of the church. The Förderverein paid for this tent and thus made it possible for us as a community to continue to exist.

Closed church St. Johann Baptist

The reason for the church closure was alleged safety-threatening construction defects. This was refuted by several expert opinions commissioned by the Förderverein. In particular, the renowned building expert and building conservator Inga Bellwinkel refuted this false representation. The illegality arises from the lack of a reason (non-existent safety hazard). The Förderverein tirelessly advocates for the church to be reopened as soon as possible.

St. Johann's Church is not yet open to visitors, but until then, we have put together many photos for you. See you soon!


Unfortunately, the church building is in poor condition, which is due to the inactivity of the church council of the parish of Maria Frieden in the past year and it rained extensively into the church for a long time. In particular, there has been a significant deterioration in the building condition since the church closure.

Due to the fact that the Förderverein will not receive any financial support from the parish or the diocese, we are dependent on your support to maintain this important place for the entire city of Krefeld.

Open church St. Johann Baptist

We assume that about 3 million euros will be needed for a complete renovation.

In order to be able to reopen the church already now, we assume that a significantly smaller sum is required.

By supporting the Förderverein, you help our community to move back into the church and preserve this unique monument.

Jetzt unterstützen
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
Rom 12,12

Greeting from Pastor Schwarzmüller

Pastor Schwarzmüller

Peace be with you!

For 22 years now, I have had the privilege of living and working in this place with its magnificent church, which touched me deeply from the first visit. The patron of our community actually dictates what my and our concern is: 'prepare the way for the Lord!' Give space to the deepest core of our soul, even if we have lost sight of God, which longs for love, light, truth, peace, acceptance and happiness! We as a community - and this includes the poorest of the poor - all long very concretely to be able to taste something of the beauty in this special 'temple' hopefully soon again, which is a foretaste of eternity and where we all in a time full of need and misery, on our journey through the valley of tears, may breathe a little.

Grateful for every support!

God bless you!

Joachim Schwarzmüller


The next dates.


öffentl. Rosenkranz: „Deutschland betet“ Marienstatue Dionysiusplatz / Johannesplatz


Hl. Messe (Pfarrhaus)


Beichtgelegenheit (Pfarrhaus)


Rosenkranz für die Ungeborenen Kinder


Hl. Messe (Pfarrhaus) anschl. Rosenkranz für das Bistum Aachen

Alle Termine

Oft gestellt Fragen

Warum ist die Kirche aktuell geschlossen und warum feiert die Gemeinde ihre Gottesdienste in einem Zelt vor der Kirche?

Die Kirche wurde vom Kirchenvorstand der Pfarrei Maria Frieden in der Nacht vom 30.06.2023 zum 01.07.2023 geschlossen. Die Begründung war eine angebliche (und nicht vorhandene) sicherheitsgefährdende Baufälligkeit. Die Gemeinde und der Förderverein weigerten sich ihr Gotteshaus aufzugeben und entschieden sich dazu, an keinen anderen Ort zu ziehen und für diese Kirche zu kämpfen. Der Förderverein schaffte ein Zelt an, damit die Gemeinde genügend Raum für ihre Gottesdienste hat und nicht völlig "obdachlos" ist.

Warum angebliche und nicht vorhandene Baufälligkeit:

Die angebliche sicherheitsgefährdende Baufälligkeit wurde durch mehrere Gutachten, die der Förderverein in Auftrag gab, widerlegt. Insbesondere wurde durch die renommierte Bausachverständige und Bautenschützerin Inga Bellwinkel diese falsche Darstellung widerlegt.

Wann wird die Kirche wieder geöffnet?

Der Förderverein und der Gemeindeausschuss arbeiten mit Hochdruck daran, dass die Kirche so schnell wie möglich wieder geöffnet wird. Wir hoffen, dass eine Wiedereröffnung vor Ende 2024 erfolgen kann.

Was ist so besonders an der Kirche St. Johann Baptist?

Die Kirche ist die Größte und Höchste der Stadt Krefeld sowie die Höchste des gesamten Bistums mit einer Höhe von 97 Metern und eine der Größten des ganzen Bistums. In der Kirche sind zahlreiche original gotische Altäre, Skulpturen etc. Des Weiteren wurde sie vom Architekten Josef Kleesattel erbaut, der weit mehr als 40 Kirchen errichtete. Allerdings bezeichnete er St. Johann Zeit seines Lebens als "Mein Meisterwerk". Ebenso betrug die Bauzeit für dieses Imposante Kirchengebäude lediglich 2 Jahre. Die Grundsteinlegung erfolgte 1892. Bereits 1894 wurde sie fertiggestellt.

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